Course Descriptions
MUS 160 - Aural Skills II
1 Credit
This course is a continuation of Aural Skills I. It reinforces Music Theory concepts and develops skills in sight singing as well as melodic and rhythmic dictation.
Prerequisite: MUS 159 or permission of instructor; corequisite: MUS 110 or permission of instructor
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply chromatic melodies of Music Theory II into the development of Aural Skills.
2. Sight sing diatonic and chromatic melodies in tune with numbers and solfege.
3. Take accurate music dictation of diatonic and chromatic melodies.
4. Sight sing arppeggiated chords in major and minor.
5. Transcribe intermediate melodies.
Course Offered Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025