Course Descriptions
FPT 212 - Fire Service Hydraulics
3 Credits
This course is a theoretical study to understand the principles of the use of water in fire protection and to apply hydraulic principles to analyze and solve water supply problems. The student can expect to apply the application of math and physics to the movement of water in fire suppression activities; analyze the community fire flow demand criteria; and demonstrate understanding of hydraulics, water characteristics, fluid pressure, hydrostatics, hydrokinetics, nozzle reaction, nozzle pressure, water distribution systems, sprinkler and standpipe systems, determination of required fire flow, fire service pump design, friction loss calculations, pump discharge pressures, parallel lines, Wyed lines, aerial stream calculations, fire streams, and the four hydraulic laws of friction loss.
Prerequisite(s): MTH 150 or higher, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the physical properties of water to the movement of water in fire suppression activities.
2. Calculate appropriate water flow pressure and volume for a fire suppression scenario.
3. Analyze community fire flow demand criteria.
4. Describe the basic components and operations of sprinkler systems.
5. Describe the basic components and operations of standpipe systems.
Course Offered Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025